
113 videos available
Kurani Kerim Feb28 1989 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
The Quran is an trackless ocean, without shores, without end. The mention of everything is contained in it. It is a light that will serve the believer in the darkness of the Day of Judgment. Those in Paradise hear the Lord Almighty recite it Himself on Juma. And the joy one of them feels would destroy all distress everywhere.
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From Heart to Heart Feb28 1989 Turkish 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā tells the story of the Mi‘rāj and the story of Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh being saved from the bomb to illustrate the greatness of the gift of prayer. Prayer is the cure for depression, fear and joy. Some knowledge is beyond words and must be given heart to heart.
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The Man with No Sajdah Feb10 1989 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā tells the story of Mūsá (as) and the village that was destroyed by one man who didn’t pray. A face that is full of light and brightness indicates what is in the heart not the color of the skin.
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The Secret of Water Feb10 1989 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
The Lord put the secret of life in water. Even the tasbih of water is the Divine Name, Al-Hayy. The benefits of water are cleanliness and health. The qualities of the believer are similar to the qualities of water.
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The First to Die Jan21 1989 Turkish 42min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaytan is the first to die of Allah's creation because his rebellion caused his spiritual death. Without spiritual life man is like the walking dead. Islam is a gentle, subtle religion. It is appropriate for everyone. We must learn to be gentle Muslims so that Islam is alive in us for others to see.
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Al-Qābiḍ and Al-Bāsiṭ Jan01 1989 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā expands on the sixth farḍ that good and evil - both are from Allāh. He talks about the causes of depression and its cure. Allāh can remove anything, and everything has its appointed time to begin and to end.
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Keep Us with the Pure Ones Jan01 1989 Turkish 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Our purpose in this life to keep Allāh’s ﷻ orders and avoid His ﷻ prohibitions. This is the way to stay clean and pure. Paradise is only for the pure ones. No one with a speck of anger, envy, arrogance or stubbornness can enter Paradise. If you don’t clean your self in this world you will have to be cleaned in the fire.
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The Secret of Living Jan01 1989 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
We do not own anything, not even ourselves. Yet we are arrogant to think we can defy death. Pride smothers man. To acknowledge an Owner is to be smart, just like those Dagestanis who lived to a ripe old age. They were strong of faith, pure of heart, hardworking and unhurried. Their secret? They lived to serve their Creator.
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The Book of Patience Jan01 1989 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Hj Anne paints a vivid picture of the Day of Judgment; who will be granted paradise without questioning, who will be questioned and forgiven, and who will not find forgiveness.
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Watch Your Step Nov30 1988 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
You must watch where you step and for whom and to whom you step. This is the first principle of the Naqshbandīyyah ṭarīqah. This exalted way is directed at polishing and perfecting scholars, who claim to have knowledge.
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Ṣalāt and Salām Nov30 1988 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā speaks about the wonderful benefits of sending prayers to the Prophet ﷺ: it sweetens your life, softens the troubles and pains of this world, brings you honour in the Divine Presence.
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The Honor Of The Guest Nov30 1988 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Sainthood for All Believers Aug31 1988 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Awliyā’ are those who kill their egos with the sword of truth. There is sainthood for all believers but they cannot have it completely because they obey their egos; they are lazy. Don't be with the bad ones among the believers; rotten, rabid ones with no adab. They will spoil those around them. So, stand and fall with the faithful ones. Be with those who have adab.
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Al-Wasilah Jul08 1988 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
In this very short but very special sohbat, Mawlana explains the meaning of Wasilah.
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The First Man Jul04 1988 Turkish 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Haji Rukey's collection, Akbaba.
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One True Sajdah Mar05 1988 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh loves those whose hearts are clean, whose heart’s eyes can see, whose heart’s ears can hear. To lift the veils, to open those eyes and ears, requires will power, asceticism. Make one true sajdah like the magicians at the time of Moses (as) and a veil will be lifted. Stay clean from shayṭān and believe.
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Imitated Belief Mar05 1988 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
We are born with the eyes of our hearts open but those eyes begin to close after eight days and our hearts become blind. Only belief will help us to see again. Most of us can distinguish light from darkness - this is imitated belief. We must try to have real belief in order to be safe from shayṭān and to open the eyes of our hearts.
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The Month of Ṣafar Nov30 1987 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
The month of Ṣafar has come and with it many troubles. Mawlānā tells us what to do to be protected. The world is full of wild animals looking like people. Live like man.
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