Nothing exists except by the will of Allāh ﷻ so for the believer there is no “what if” and no being sorry. The illness and the restriction of Ḥajj are all by His ﷻ will and what mankind deserves. We ask only for strong īmān and then we will have no problems.
Islām Cannot Be Changed
Jun09 2021 Turkish 20min
People today think, if one of the orders of Allāh ﷻ is too hard for them, that, instead of asking forgiveness, they can change Islām to suit themselves. Islām cannot be reformed. Allāh ﷻ made it perfect. Those who try to change it are trying to destroy it and little by little they also destroy human nature.
The Worst Cheater
Jun08 2021 Turkish 21min
People must be careful to repay their debts, and to be honest and just, otherwise they will pay in Ākhirah. People who cheat others cheat themselves. The worst cheaters are those who cheat in the name of religion.
Love the Holy Places
Jun07 2021 Turkish 20min
We thank Allāh ﷻ for making us love and miss the holy places and the maqāms of holy people. They have light and barakah and they make our īmān stronger and open the heart. Even if you are far away, missing these places and people will bring spiritual power and blessing.