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Jannatu-l Firdaws Oct03 2013 Turkish 45min
Sheikh Nazım
In this extraordinary sohbat Mawlana teaches us about Love: The Love of Allah for His Prophets, for Mankind, for all creation and the love that we should have for Him and those that are beloved to Him. Don't fight over the world or be burdened by its troubles. Come to joy and "Jannatu-l Firdaws" with the secret of Love.
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The Breath That Revives the Dead Oct02 2013 Turkish 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Say the Majestic Name of Allah Almighty and all pain, and trouble will be removed. Say the Name that allowed the dervish to walk on the sea and revived the dead. Say and receive 700 years of reward. Allah wants you to be happy and comfortable not sad and frowning. How can we be sad when Allah has placed some of His Love inside us and He also laughs.
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Doing What He Wills (11:107) Oct01 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
Man was created weak and honoured with the caliphate of Allah but he thinks he is Jabbar, the Subduer and he becomes jabbar, the tyrant. Only Allah is Al Jabbar. He does as He Wishes. Keep your Adab. Be His servant and find Honour.
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Be Loveable Sep30 2013 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Ask for Divine Favors, for Beauty and Joy. You can't leave the presence of the Sultan empty-handed. Let's be happy, love and be loved.
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O Lovers! Sep29 2013 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
The Hajjis are turning their faces towards the Ka'aba. May we turn also. May we get a share of their blessings. Your deeds are with your intentions. Make good intentions and do not fear. Give us strength on the Way of worshiping You. It is not easy to be filled with Divine Love.
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Allah Allah Allah Sep28 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Who is filled with the Love of His Lord is alive. He is beautiful and will live forever. Allah created us to live. He granted us the gift of Faith, now ask for the gift of the bliss of love. Ask for Love and run towards the Light.
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Do Not Be A Dog! Sep27 2013 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
May we be content with the grants our Lord has given us, Honor and Beauty and Peacefulness. May we keep them. We were created to be like Angels not like dogs. The nature of a dog is to fight. Those who are fighting have lost their human nature and are like dogs. See the blessings all around you. Don't be a dog!
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Be And It Is Sep26 2013 Turkish 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Say Bismillah and all sadness and burdens are removed. Your Lord did not create you to be sad or ugly. He wants you to be pleased and relieved. How can you be sad when He is your Lord and created you honored and beautiful and He gave you the miraculous power of the Bismillah. Say it 40 times a day and you will have no worries, no troubles.
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Tal Kalakh Sep25 2013 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Our only job on this earth is to glorify and praise our Creator. Mawlana remembers the people of Tal Kalakh, a town in Syria. They loved him and he loves them. He remembers a woman and her servant and the joy with which she served. He prays for their safety but cannot do more because the events happening there are written by the Lord. He prays that the oppression finishes soon and the believers find peace.
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Do Not Despair Sep24 2013 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
All that Allah created is for the servant and He created the servant for His service. He wants the servant to turn to Him. He wants nothing else. Peace comes from our Lord. What else can one ask for? If the servant loses the world he should not despair. What was lost was only bad.
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Hz Adam and Azazil Sep23 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
When you pray at the Ka'aba it is as if you have embraced the Divine Throne. Leave this rubbish dunya and embrace the Divine. We have been so honoured by Allah to be His representative and called Hz Insan. Azazil was so jealous of the honour that he disobeyed and became the cursed shaytan. Honour and be honoured. Show honour to even the smallest of Allah's creation. Now is the time to sit and pray in your houses, not to go out and join the battle.
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The Drink Of Love Sep22 2013 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
The order from Heaven is - Be beautiful, be happy, be full of light, be honorable. Glorify your Lord, make sajda and take light. Look for the stars in the sky that guide you. Shah Mardan is one such star. May the ones who say 'Allah" today drink the wine of love and longing. There is a physical sun that rises giving light but there is also a spiritual sun that rises new each day. Take light and give light.
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And There Is More With Us (50:35) Sep21 2013 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created everything Beautiful. Ugliness is from shaytan. The door of the market of Beauty opens with the Basmala. So say it and be happy. He has given us everything how can we be sad? Ask for this and whatever you ask for there is so much more!
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Divine Love Sep20 2013 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Servanthood can only be completed with love. Love and be loved. The world is coming to its end. Don't ask for the world or its treasures. Ask for Divine Affection. Love Allah and the one Allah called His Beloved, the Master of the Universe. Let us taste the Divine Love.
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So Said Allah Sep19 2013 Turkish 32min
Sheikh Nazım
The Lord of Might and Glory sends new manifestations daily. Shah-i Mardan receives them through the Master of the Universe. Those who love Shah-i Mardan and listen to his words will receive honour. The All-Powerful is sending support for His weak servants. The Prophet, alaihi salatu wa s-salam would tremble when saying: “So said Allah”. The Companions too would tremble.
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Beauty & Ugliness Sep18 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Your only job in this world is to protect the light and the beauty Allah gave you at your creation. Follow the friends of Shahi Mardan. They present to you a rose garden that never wilts or decays. Beauty is from Heaven not from fashion or make-up. Allah makes every day beautiful and a brand new sun to rise in the sky. The servants of such a Lord could not be other than beautiful. Keep your beauty.
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Shaytan's Daughter Sep17 2013 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
Everyday shaytan takes a beautifully dressed girl to the market place and offers her to anyone who will follow him. He calls this woman his daughter and he asks for her a heavy dowry. Everyone fights for her hand. No one sees that she is just dressed well and covered in jewels but her face is hideous. At the end of the day shaytan takes her away and gives her to no one. Who is this daughter of shaytan?
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You Have Not Created This in Vain (3:191) Sep16 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah has created nothing in this world without purpose.(3:191) Man must understand his honorable place in creation. Nothing in the world was made except to serve him, be useful to him. In the mountains of Lebanon alone there are 700 different plants, all of them with a use for man, for his physical being and his spiritual being. But men today are ignorant and they invent poisons they call medicine and they kill and they destroy. They have forgotten Allah so He has forgotten them (9:67).
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